Now is the time to review and comment on the 2020 Pacific Grove Monarch Sanctuary Management Plan!

Each year the City of Pacific Grove Commissions a report from Creekside Science including recommendations for management activities within the Pacific Grove Monarch Sanctuary.  Comments on the report can be submitted to Caleb Schneider ([email protected]), Management Analyst at the City of Pacific Grove Public Works Department, and to the City Council ([email protected]).  The City must submit the report and recommendations to the California Department of Fish and Wildlife for approval and work in 2020 must be completed before October 1, the beginning of the monarch overwintering season.  Therefore, if you wish to comment on the recommendations it is important to do so soon before it is submitted to the Department of Fish and Wildlife for approval.

Copied below is a summary of the 2020 recommended actions from the report.  It should be noted that the summary copied below does not include many of the detailed recommendations in the complete report.  The complete report can be viewed here:2020 PG Monarch Sanctuary Management Plan.  Comments on the report by Dominick Sinicropi, Ph.D., can be viewed here: DS Comments on 2020 Monarch Sanctuary Recommendations

Let us know your comments in this blog below and we encourage you to also submit your comments to Caleb Schneider [email protected]) and the City Council ([email protected]).

Summary of recommended actions (see below for detailed exposition)Minimal on the ground actions are recommended this year

1. The tree that was re-staked west of the nectar beds may not be viable in the long run. Its health and prospects should be assessed by the City Arborist

  1. Removal of dead eucalyptus in the SE corner of the Sanctuary
  2. Establish a cypress tree in the open area east of the viewing area, as a potential cluster tree in a dappled light area. Plant at least two cypress, but be prepared to thin down to a single tree once establishment is assured.
  3. Filling gaps the southern boundary eucalyptus row with different eucalyptus species, especially E. as recommended
  4. Planting cypress east of the nectar beds from the acacia stand to the bend in the trail.
  5. Establish low growing native fall nectar species in the sunny borders of the main trail as it winds through the established nectar beds.
  6. Tend the yellow Buddleia and tree daisies to produce new growth by selective pruning.
  7. Oak understory plantings: procurement of acorns and trees, and planning for appropriate sites
  8. Toyon and ceanothus understory plantings: procurement of shrubs and planning for appropriate sites

Planning for future actions in 2020 and beyond include:
1. Formal delineation of management zones for native pine /oak forest, including understory species.


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